Thursday, February 5, 2009

Courage Campaign

A while ago the Courage Campaign asked for photos, videos and stories of gay marriages for this video which was recently released. I think it is incredible to see the faces of people who are affected by the potential effects of proposition 8 in California. The jury is still out on whether the same sex marriages performed in california prior to the passage of prop 8 will stand or be nullified.

"Fidelity": Don't Divorce... from Courage Campaign on Vimeo.

If that doesn't break your heart...


Ezra said...

I wonder why that video seemed to be dominated by lesbian couples...

The part of me that understands marketing knows it's probably because gay male couples are far more unsettling to homophobes that lesbian couples.

But what a great video. I have two college friends who were forcefully divorced. I feel so horrible for them.


That's interesting I thought the same thing! I wonder if we counted if there would really be more women couples or if we are just so used to "gay" themes being dominated by men. I have to leave for work but I am going to do this when I get home just for the sake of interest since we both felt that.

The Lead Singer said...

What's touching to me are these kids. And it's interesting in the eyes of these kids how they are being taught so much open-mindedness and tolerance in their homes, but yet in the context of society they're led to believe that love can be voted away and judged.

I'm really proud of these families.

It's so ridiculous that the Church is so committed to the power and concept of family, yet they're willing to tear apart families that don't have the outer appearance of what they consider 'godly.' It's very telling what they Church really stands for 'the status quo' rather than love and doing good to others.

"You've been exposed."